All posts by Bonhomie

Live Auction Items


A luxurious and private estate on 3.5 acres oceanfront on Little Bay, comprised of secluded lagoons, tropical gardens, and unspoiled beaches and cliffs.

Bid on the Villa for 6 people, or on the Cottage for 4 people.
The Villa has 3 master bedrooms, the Cottage has 4 bedrooms.

The property boasts a beautiful mineral spring fed pool overlooking the cliffs and ocean. Freshly prepared meals by in-house staff. Enjoy fresh squeezed orange juice, eggs and island fruit for breakfast, followed by a day of a private insider’s tour of the island, or lounging by the pool or jumping off the cliffs into the ocean. Dinner will be freshly caught seafood, jerk chicken or an equally delicious preparation from Shorty’s grill. Watch the sunset from the rooftop deck or infinity pool!

You pay airfare & a driver fee for a week of chauffeur and vehicle.

To be used by February 24, 2025.
Retail value: Villa $6,000. Cottage $5,000.

Fickle Fox Air BnB – Virginia 🩊

Two night, three day weekend getaway, in a peaceful modern farmhouse in Dillwyn VA. Nestled 7 miles from route 15 & 8 miles to route 24, this is the perfect stopping grounds. Make it a hunting weekend- close to Louden West, Farmington & Keswick Hunts. Or visit wineries and tour the historic Virginia countryside. Situated halfway between Richmond and Lynchburg.

4 BR, 2.5 baths. Sleeps 8. Beautifully decorated with equestrian decor. Large newly remodeled kitchen, wraparound deck, outside grill, great room with large TV & more!

5 hour drive from Chester Springs.

Carriage Drive with Happy Hour at Birchrun Hills Farm 🐄

10 guests will start at the Kimberton Kennels with hors d’oeuvres and drinks before joining Phil Shirk on a 1-hour carriage drive through the scenic Birchrunville area.

Phil will take you & your guests to the popular Happy Hour at Birchrun Hills Farm.  You will receive 2 grazing boards to enjoy while there. When you are ready to head home, you will be picked up by carriage and brought back to your vehicles at the kennels.
Suggested value: $1500


Highlight your company or farm at the popular Kimberton Hunt Club Horse Show, to be held Sunday, April 28th, 2024 at the Ludwig’s Corner Show Grounds.  
May be used at other Hunter/Jumper competitions/events as well!
Exposure to a whole new market!
Jump is fabricated by KHC
Minimum bid: $300

Sneak Peek – Silent Auction Items

2 quality crafted pieces, courtesy of Cellarium Wine Racks
Hand crafted by local Chester County artisans – these are one of a kind pieces!

🩊 Boot/Whip rack – organize your tack room or mud room in style!
🩊 Trunk in black finish, with Snaffle Bit hardware details – perfect for the tack room, for your away-show set-up, in your keeping room, family room or great room.

Bottles & Restaurant Gift Cards Tub
Win well over $600 worth of assorted bottles & gift cards/certificates!
$20 per ticket

Payment for Raffle & Auction Items: Cash, Check or Venmo.
Sorry – credit cards not accepted. Payment expected evening of the event.
All event proceeds benefit the Kimberton Hounds.

Highlight your Brand or Business at the Show!

We offer 2 unique ways to incorporate your Brand/Business signage for high visibility to a relevant audience.

Incorporate your brand/business signage
in the Winner’s Circle at our annual horse show.

With 4 busy competition rings, our Winner’s Circle area gets plenty of visibility throughout the day with riders & horses getting photo ops with their ribbons. Place your signage, banner or jump panel in this area.

This is a single opportunity – so act now!


Incorporate your brand/business signage
into the show ring island decoration.

We place these decorations near the In-Gate at our rings. This is a high visibility area, as exhibitors/trainers/spectators assemble at these gates all day. (3) opportunities available. Please indicate which ring: Hunter Horse, Pony Hunter, Jumper. (Derby Field not available)


Payment can be made via Check made payable to “Kimberton Hunt” and mailed to: Sponsor c/o KHC, 1030 Jaine Lane, Chester Springs PA 19425. Please indicate your information in the notes section.

Or with Venmo, with your information in the notes section.

Questions or need more Info?
Contact the Sponsorship Committee via EMAIL

All show proceeds directly benefit the Kimberton Hounds

Place Your Color Ad in Our 2024 Prize List

Dear Kimberton Hunt Club supporter,

Each spring, the Hunt Club hosts a popular horse show featuring Hunters & Jumpers. Advertising & Sponsorship is at the heart of this annual equestrian event, as it is our biggest fundraiser during the year.

Placing your ad in our show prize list is a highly visible and affordable way to promote your business, organization or service to a relevant audience in Chester County & beyond, while supporting the hunt club.

Fast Facts on Advertising in the Show Prize List

  • We distribute our full-color digital prize list to exhibitors, riding professionals, horse owners & farm owners, via our targeted email list.
  • Our show demographic pulls from Southeastern PA, New Jersey & Maryland; enjoying competition across 4 rings.
  • Our prize list reaches an additional 2500 community members, both equestrian and non-equestrian alike, via our Facebook & Instagram channels.
  • All ads are clickable and link directly back to your website or social channel for further engagement.
  • Ads start at $50 and are available in Business Card, 1/4 Page, Half Page & Full Page sizes.
  • We can also create an ad for you! Please inquire via:

This year’s 79th annual show will be held Sunday, April 28th, 2024 at the Ludwig’s Corner Show Grounds.

samples of ads placed

Last year’s show prize list for reference:

All proceeds from the annual horse show directly support the hounds by way of feeding, vet care & kennel improvements.
We greatly appreciate your support of the Kimberton Hounds!

Place a 1/4 Page Color Ad in our Show Prize List!

Ad cost: $75

  • Give a Rider or Team Shout Out at the show
  • Promote your Barn Program – Sales / Training / Instruction
  • Promote your Professional Services
  • Promote your Brand

Our horse show prize list gets distributed online to over 1500 community members across SEPA, NJ & Northern MD. Ads will be live linked, so folks can click through to your website landing page or social.

Don’t have an ad? No worries – we can create one for you! Just send us a relevant photo and / or your business logo. If applicable, please include your website, social & contact info, and other relevant information you wish to place in the ad. (see samples below)
Ad info due in March 15th.
Email ad information and any questions to: KimbertonProgramAds

Ad Proceeds benefit the Kimberton Hounds

Venmo : @Barb-Mueller-7 referencing your last name/business in the notes section.
Check: Made payable to “Kimberton Hunt” and mailed to:
KHC, 1030 Jaine Lane, Chester Springs, PA 19425 with last name/business in the memo line.

1/4 Page Landscape Ad SAMPLE – 1.75″ x 4.75″
1/4 Page Portrait Ad SAMPLE – 3.75″ x 2.25″


The History of the Kimberton Hunt

The Kimberton Hunt was formally established in 1870 and continues to flourish over 150 years later. The club continues to hunt the same territory in the Kimberton and Chester Springs area of Pennsylvania that the first Kimberton Huntsmen hunted in 1870. This is quite remarkable considering the amount of development and changes that have occurred in the area over those years. Traditionally the Kimberton hounds have always been owned by the huntsman and leased to the membership of the club which also makes it remarkable that none of these huntsmen have ever relocated the pack of hounds to new territory.


  • 1870-1920 Mr. Raymond Graham, MFH & Huntsman

Raymond Graham was the first huntsman of the organized Kimberton Hunt. Foxhunting, of course, took place before this time in the area but in 1870 several small farmer packs were combined to become Kimberton Hunt. One of these packs included the Spring City Hunt from nearby Spring City, PA. Raymond Graham owned a dairy farm on the outskirts of Kimberton, PA and kenneled the new pack there. Raymond also owned the Spring City Racetrack which may explain why the Spring City pack was absorbed into the Kimberton Hunt.

  • 1920-1970 Mr. George “Stiney” Stine, MFH & Huntsman

George Stine took over the horn in 1920 after Raymond retired from hunting hounds. George kenneled the hounds at his Sti-Mi-Go- Farm in Wilson’s Corner (Pughtown Road and French Creek Road) also located just outside the village of Kimberton, PA. Some readers may remember Stine and Wall, an electrical contracting store in Phoenixville, which was owned by George Stine. Stine was assisted by Raymond Graham’s grandson, Harry Graham, who was the whipper-in and future huntsman. When George Stine retired he asked the Kimberton Hunt to purchase the pack of hounds but the membership declined his offer. Stine turned the horn over to Harry Graham in 1970 but Graham was without a single hound. Stine had sold the entire pack of hounds to Pickering Hunt upon his retirement.

  • 1970-1978 Mr. Harry Graham, Huntsman

Harry Graham now found himself a huntsman without a pack of hounds and went about finding himself some hounds. Harry was lucky enough to find ‘Big Jim’ Favinger (the late Hen Favinger’s son) who was willing to set Harry up with a few hounds from his pack. As time went on Harry also received hounds from Albert Crossen (Pickering Hunt) and Paul Hoffecker (private pack) as well as many others. Harry accumulated about fifteen hounds but not many of good quality. Harry established a kennel at his farm in Kimberton near the Kimberton Farm School. For a short time Sandy Dunn and Dick Rhoads served as joint masters in 1971 and 1972 but later resigned from the position. Sandy Dunn continued to whip for Harry every Wednesday and Saturday. Harry’s turn as huntsman left the club a bit out of favor with the local landowners but with a small but strong group of members that wanted the future of the club to continue. Harry retired from hunting in 1978 and later died of emphysema in 1984.

  • 1978-2013 Mr. Sandy Dunn, MFH & Huntsman

Sandy Dunn had his own small pack of hounds since 1973 when Albert Crossen (Pickering Hunt) had given him three puppies. Sandy and then girlfriend Barbara kenneled their small pack in Gladwyne, PA. Sandy knew that he needed some old hounds to get his pack started and was lucky enough to get an old bitch named Snaggle from Paul Hannum. Albert Crossen also gave Sandy many older steady hounds from the Pickering Hunt kennel. As Sandy’s pack of hounds grew they were quickly outgrowing the Main Line neighborhood of Gladwyne. Sandy and Barbara reaffirmed this notion when they ran a fox past the church window while Sandy’s parents were inside worshiping. Sandy had started to bring his small pack of hounds with him when he whipped for Harry Graham and Kimberton Hunt.

In October of 1975 Barbara and Sandy were married and moved to a farm on Route 23 in Spring City, PA with their 7 Âœ couple of Penn-Marydel’s. When Harry Graham retired in 1978 Sandy was asked to take over as huntsman for the Kimberton hounds. At that time there were only six members of the club; Barbara and Sandy Dunn, Herman and Ruth Wetzel, Kelly Murphy, Margaret and Bill Caryle, and Karen and Ron Knapp. As Sandy developed his pack of hounds more hounds were added from Alvin Christman, Claude Carl, Todd Addis, Dave Finger, and John Dean. Sandy has developed his pack from the 7 Âœ couple of hounds to as many as 37 couple. Today the kennel houses 20 couple of hounds. Early in his career Sandy had an especially proud day when he had two of his best bitches whelp on the same day that Barbie was born.

In 1980 Barbara and Sandy purchased their current farm in Birchrunville, PA. Sandy quickly built the barn to house his horses and hounds and worried about the house later. After moving into their new property it quickly became the hub of all Kimberton Hunt activity. Most meets leave directly from the kennels to nearby Powder Mill, Tilt Hill, Glen’s and Titones; the same hills that were hunted in 1870 with the first members of Kimberton Hunt. Sandy hunted the hounds consecutively for thirty-four years with the help of many people, most importantly Barbara. She has been whipper-in, hound truck driver, kennel help, chief public relations officer, club president, horse show manager, head chef for most functions and most importantly the greatest supporter of the club. Today Barbara and Sandy’s daughter Barb Mueller is a Jt. MFH and whips or leads the field for many of the hunts. The Dunn family continues to strive to provide good sport and fellowship for the members of the Kimberton Hunt.

  • 2013-2014 Mike Gottier, Huntsman

During the winter of 2012 hounds ran towards Malhorn Road and stirred Mike Gottier from his mid winter’s nap. He hopped in his car to see what was the commotion and what did his wondering eyes did see but a pack of foxhounds stuck in his neighbor’s fenced in yard. His life had already revolved around bassets so this was not much different, just a little bit longer legs! He quickly jumped into action to help and started car following that day. As Sandy saw he was needing a backup huntsman he encouraged Mike to get to know the hounds and the differences in fox and rabbit. Mike readily jumped at the opportunity to hunt the hounds the following season and did a fine job of learning on the job! Mike went from whipping bassets on foot to hunting foxhounds on horseback rather quickly! Mike got his feet wet that season and has progressed quickly through the MFHA Professional Development program. He has now served as a Kennelman and whipper in to Midland Foxhounds, GA and first whip at Keswick Hunt, VA

  • 2014-2018 John Dean, Jr. , Huntsman

As luck would have it longtime huntsman and friend of the Dunn’s John (Johnny) Dean Jr. moved from Missouri to Pennsylvania for his love of chasing the red fox over western coyote. John had hunted hounds in Pennsylvania and the Eastern shores of Maryland his entire life and looked to get back to his roots of hunting fox. John spent a season with Radnor Hunt before arriving to hunt the Kimberton Hounds. John brought with him some of his own eastern shore hounds which are also true Penn-Marydel’s but typically a smaller hound. John and Sandy had hunted together since the late 1970’s and had continued their friendship over the years. John stepping in to hunt the hounds was a perfect fit for the club and the Kimberton Hounds. John has now moved his personal hounds and hunting to the Warwick Village Hounds and the Addis Family.

John Dean
  • 2018-Current Phil Shirk, Huntsman

As a newcomer to hunting hounds but certainly not hunting or horses Phil Shirk stepped up to the horn in the Spring of 2018. Phil is eager to learn and has a family to help him with the task. His brother Enos Shirk and wife Diana eagerly jumped in to help whip and all help provide the Kimberton membership with great sport. Phil has already started to make a name for himself in the hunting world with the good sport he shows! The entire family’s ability to ride a horse is something to be seen! When not hunting hounds Phil is busy with his farrier business. He and Diana also train and sell horses.

Phil & Diana Shirk

Recognized with the Master of Foxhounds Association

In October of 2015 The Kimberton Hunt became a registered pack with the Master of Foxhounds Association. This is the first step in the process to become a recognized pack of hounds. Despite the long history of the club the original founders thought it unnecessary to become recognized because they were the primary landholders of the hunt country. Later Pickering Hunt became a recognized hunt in the territory and KHC could not become recognized since only one club may do so in a territory. Pickering Hunt disbanded allowing Kimberton to apply to the MFHA for the honor of being the recognized hunt in the territory. The MFHA was very complimentary of the long history of KHC and formally recognized the club in 2018.

Colors and Buttons
As a registered hunt club the Kimberton Hunt can now award colors to its deserving members. This is a tradition in which members that have met protocol may attach a colored color and KHC buttons to their formal hunt coat. The award of colors is made by the masters at their sole discretion to hunting members who have made an ongoing significant contribution to the continuation of the hunt’s tradition of sportsmanship. Those considered are typically members who have hunted regularly at least three years, who have been exemplary members, on a well turned-out horse; who have participated in and contributed to the success of the hunt’s activities; and who are a credit to the hunt’s reputation. The Kimberton Hunt colors are: Hunter Green with Tan Piping.

The Hounds
The Kimberton Hunt pack consists of Penn-Marydel hounds which were originally bred for the Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware terrain. The hounds are well suited for our hunt country because of their good voice, their stamina and their desire to run closely together. Penn-Marydel’s come in tri-color, black and tan, red and white and blue tic coloration.

Intro to Foxhunting for Juniors

Chester County Equine Events Inc. is sponsoring an opportunity for Junior riders to learn about Foxhunting (chasing).  Kimberton Hunt Club will be hosting this clinic at the kennels.  This is a fabulous opportunity for Juniors to participate in this sport! 

Part I: Kennels Session
Saturday, December 17th
4:00 PM 

Kimberton Hunt Club Kennels 
1030 Jaine Lane, Chester Springs 

Adults & Juniors are welcome to attend this informative talk/session at the kennels – learn the “How To” and ” What to Do’s” about Fox Hunting. (No horses – this is an unmounted session)

Please RSVP for the Kennels Talk by Thursday, December 15th to Mark Powell with a last name and the number of Adults & Juniors in your group. Please bring a chair day of.
Text : (443) 910-1082
Email :

Part II: Junior Day
Wednesday, December 28th
10 AM
Hunt Meet at the Kennels

Junior riders with Horses/Ponies are invited to attend this hunt meet. You must have attended Part I in order to participate. Riders to be mounted by 9:45 AM to ride out with the Hunt at 10 AM. Junior riders must have a parent/chaperone or trainer/coach in attendance. All riders must complete a waiver.

Attire: Please dress for safety & warmth/comfort. If you have it: a Navy or black show jacket, white show shirt/turtleneck & white stock tie, otherwise a conservative riding-type jacket and collared shirt & gloves. Breeches & tall boots, jodphurs & garters, or paddock boots & half chaps. ASTM/SEI approved helmet. Body protectors acceptable. Long hair contained in either a hair net or braid(s). No jewelry, including stud earrings. Horses are to be in show ready condition. Braiding of the mane/tail is not necessary.
*if the weather is very cold, riders can wear ski jackets over their coats. Please no scarves or jackets with loose/dangling cords. Quarter sheets for horses acceptable.

Capping fees graciously sponsored by
Chester County Equine Events Inc.
a PA 501(c)3


Hunt Night at PNHS

KHC competed at Hunt Night at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show on Monday, October 18th in Harrisburg.

Kiley Mueller, Mary Musheno, Becca Pelet, Diana Shirk, Phil Shirk & Enos Shirk represented KHC over fences and under saddle at the show.

Below are some videos taken at the show.

Phil Shirk – Field Hunter Over Fences

Mary Musheno – Field Hunter Over Fences

Becca Pelet – Field Hunter Over Fences

Kiley Mueller – Field Hunter Over Fences

Hunt Team #1 (Becca, Mary, Kiley)

Hunt Team #2 ( Diana, Phil & Enos Shirk)

KHC branded swag

Get your Kimberton Hunt Club branded swag for yourself, your car/truck, your kids or your significant other. Show your support & benefit the Kimberton Hounds!


20 ounce Insulated Travel Tumbler
In Olive Green or Navy Blue. Double-wall insulated tumbler will keep drinks hot or cold for hours on end. Comes with a BPA-free clear sliding lid and fits into a standard cup holder for easy travel. With its no sweat exterior, there’s no need for a coaster. FDA certified, hand wash only, not dishwasher safe. KHC is offering the option to have your first or last name etched, in capital letters, below the club logo.
$17 per tumbler
Club Special: we will engrave your name for FREE

KHC License Plate with club logo engraved in a frosty silver tone.
Size: 5-7/8″ x 11-7/8″
Material: Coated Metal
Thickness: .040″
Holes: 4 (slot size: 1/4″ x 1″)
UV stable for outdoor & automobile use. Mounting hardware not included.
$22.00 per plate

KHC C4 Equestrian Belt – two custom designs to choose from:  option A or option B (see image below).
White C4 belt buckle included. Sizing is “1 size fits all” – your belt will come in a 50″ length, cut your own length for a perfect fit! Belts are made of durable, medical-grade thermo-polymer 100% recyclable material. They are waterproof, sweat-proof, and interchangeable with all C4 buckles (if you are a C4 belt connoisseur)! 
$35.00 per belt, includes white C4 buckle

Optional Shipping: KHC can ship your order for an additional $10. Details available on the checkout form.

Questions? Contact Becca :

Thank you for supporting Kimberton Hunt Club!

Brand our Rider Numbers with your business info

This is a special single sponsorship opportunity – so act now!

Place your business logo & website address on our rider back numbers and be seen by a relative audience at the annual horse show! Gain store traffic by offering a special incentive to those redeeming their back number at your place of business!

Your full color logo will be sized and printed appropriately in the middle, at the top of the rider number unless specified. These numbers measure 8″ x 5 1/2″ and are worn by our Hunter, Jumper & Equitation exhibitors in all three competition rings & the Derby Field at the show. We order 250 numbers. Back numbers are usually retained by exhibitors as a keepsake of the show.

Artwork can be PDF or JPG and sent with a note with any special instructions to:

Fee: $325 pay via Venmo

Advertising & Sponsorship at our 2025 Horse Show

80th Annual Kimberton Hunt Horse Show
Hunters, Jumpers & Equitation

Sunday, April 27th, 2025
Ludwig’s Corner Show Grounds, Glenmoore PA

PHSA Regional ‱ USHJA Outreach
Classes from Lead Line & Mini-Stirrup through Professional.
4 Competition Rings!

Each spring the Hunt Club hosts an annual horse show drawing competitors from Southeastern PA, New Jersey & Maryland. Sponsorship of the show & Advertising in our horse show prize list is a critical component to the success of this annual equestrian event.

The horse show is the hunt club’s biggest fundraiser during the year, with all proceeds directly supporting the Kimberton Hounds in the form of feeding, vet care & kennel upkeep/improvements.

Place an Ad in our 2025 show prize list

Placing your ad in our full-color show prize list is a highly visible and affordable way to promote your business, organization or service to a relevant audience in Chester County and beyond, while supporting the hunt club. Ads range from Business Card to Full Page, in color, and are live-linked, so folks can click through to your website landing page or social channel for further engagement.

Please see our 2025 AD SPEC SHEET

We distribute our digital prize list to area riding professionals, horse owners & farm owners; to our subscriber email list; and on our social channels. Our prize list reaches over 2500 community members, both equestrian and non-equestrian alike.

Be a Show Sponsor

Grand Champion Sponsor : $1,100
Includes a full page color ad in our prize list, 2 ringside banners & more
Blue Ribbon Sponsor : $450
Includes a half-page color ad, 1 ringside banner display.
Patron Sponsor: $250
includes 1/4 page ad & 1 KHC cap for the season
Division Sponsor : $125
Please allow us to choose the division for you.
Ribbons & Awards Sponsor : $50

Route 100 Roadside Banner : $100
Hang your business banner at the highly trafficked Route 100 main entrance to the grounds the weekend of the show. Banners should be no larger than 3′ x 8′ and have grommets for hanging.

Please see our 2025 SPONSORSHIP SHEET

Your donation directly benefits the bottom line of the show & the Kimberton Hounds! All sponsors are recognized in our prize list, website and on our social channels.

Deadline for receipt of payment and advertising artwork/sponsorship materials is Friday, March 7th, 2025.

Please reach out to our Sponsor/Advertising Committee via

Hunt N’ Go Derby