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The hunt at HIstoric yellow springs

Saturday, November 23rd, 2019

Thank you for joining the Kimberton Hunt here today in Historic Yellow Springs. We are gathering here today because both the Kimberton Hunt and the village has a rich, shared history. The hunt was formed just down the road in the village of Kimberton in the year 1870. Next year will be our 150th anniversary of enjoying great sport and friendship in this same area. In that time period many hunt clubs had to relocate their kennels and hunting territory due to the influx of suburbia. Radnor Hunt, originally of Radnor, PA is now in Malvern; Rose Tree Hunt originally of Rose Tree, Delaware County is now in York County, PA. We are definitely an anomaly in the hunting world! We attribute that to our wonderful and inviting landowners who, like us, treasure the history of the hunt and the beauty of our horses and hounds.  

Barb Mueller, Joint Master of Foxhounds of the Kimberton Hunt addressing spectators

To put the year 1870 in perspective- Black Americans were just given the right to vote, although women were still waiting for another twenty years, Yellowstone National Park was not yet created, Indian wars were still taking place in the West and the Battle of Little Bighorn had yet to happen, Thomas Edison had yet to invent the lightbulb as we know it and this village was home to boys orphaned from the Civil War.   

BUT – Right here in Kimberton a little hunt was incorporated as Kimberton Hunt Club. At that time hounds and horses would travel great distances in a days hunt. It would not be unusual for a member to get on their horse and ride to the meet in the dark hours of the morning and not return till the dark of night. Today our hunts will stay in an area maybe 3-4  square miles. In the 1800’s and through to the 1970’s it would not be unusual for a hunt to take riders into the Valley Forge Mountain or to what is now Marsh Creek Lake and beyond into Downingtown and then back to Kimberton….on horseback! Could you imagine trying to make that trek today? On a horse with a pack of foxhounds? 

Many times the misconception is heard that the hounds kill the fox, the fox is released by the hunt, the fox is tortured. I’d like to set those facts straight. The saying sly as a fox is very true. Those very well bred, handsome hounds in front of you believe with all their might that they can catch the fox…cute and well bred as they are they are just not quite smart or quick enough. The fox will always win in this endeavour.

Now, about the fox being scared. We hunt every Wednesday and Saturday. The fox chooses to live right outside the kennel door. The fox is smart. If he or she didn’t want to play he would make himself scarce. Nope, instead he is sitting waiting for us, taunting the hounds. It truly is a game for both fox and hound. Many times landowners will call me after the hunt saying the fox we were chasing circled back and was watching from their barn yard or top of their manure pile as the hounds valiantly looked for him. When the fox has proved the point that he is in charge he will ditch the hounds and go on about his business..until the next time. I’d compare it to your house dogs playing what my family calls “run around the house”. If you’re lucky they are in the yard when they get the zoomies, if not they go whipping around your kitchen and sofa! When one dog is done they lay down and the game is over; fox chasing is basically a game of zoomies!
A fox coyly makes his way thru the woods, hops on a log to throw off his scent, and scampers away from the hounds in the distance.

Now, why do we dress the way we do? Tradition, showing respect for the landowners and practicality. Our coats are wool- they are warm and shed the rain. Red coats are worn by the hunt staff, Masters and male designated members of the club. Black or Navy  coats are worn by women and those men not wearing the red or as we call it “pink” coats. We wear a white tie fastened with a pin around our neck that can be used as a bandage if necessary.

Some of our ladies today are riding aside, this was the tradition until it became acceptable for ladies to wear pants and throw their leg over either side of a horse. The side saddle traditional is elegant and adds a beautiful touch to our field of riders today. You’ll see safety precautions changing with the modern times too. Gone are the days of top hats that don’t provide much head protection. You’ll also see riders wearing safety vests that protect riders from a fall. 

Lastly, I want to thank our landowners that allow the hunt to continue through their lands. A day of hunting will cover hundreds and hundreds of acres and without each and every little parcel we would be hard pressed to continue. I am lucky to have my parents and my children enjoy this sport as much as I and I welcome you to get to know the Kimberton Hunt. We are your neighbors, teachers, fire fighters, farmers, businessmen and women. Follow us on social media to see other fun events celebrating our 150th anniversary in the year 2020!  Our popular Blessing of the Hounds is held on Thanksgiving morning at our kennels. If you have questions or would like to purchase a shirt commemorating our anniversary there is a table with members over there. Thank you for coming this morning to help kick off our 150th season of fox chasing!

Our 75th Annual Horse Show will be held Sunday, April 26th 2020 at the Ludwig’s Corner show grounds. Come out and enjoy the show as an Exhibitor or Spectator!

Sponsorship & Advertising opportunities at our 2020 horse show

2020 marks the 150th Anniversary of the Kimberton Hunt Club and our 75th Annual Horse Show!
Sunday, April 26th
Ludwig’s Corner show grounds, Glenmoore PA.

USEF/USHJA “C” Hunters & Level 1 Jumpers
Competition ID #1690
Classes from Lead Line through Professionals

The horse show is the hunt club’s biggest fundraiser during the year, with all proceeds directly benefitting the Kimberton hounds by providing routine care, veterinary needs and kennel upkeep.

Over 130 riders/ owner compete at this show; along with their trainers, family members & friends in attendance. Our exhibitors come from Southeastern PA, New Jersey & Maryland. Many use it as a warm up for the Devon Horse Show in May, and to get a jump on local and Zone points.

Place an AD in our Prize list

Advertising in our prize list is a highly visible and affordable way to promote your business, organization or service to a relevant audience in Chester County and the Tri-State area. Ads can range from Business Card size for $40 to Full Page Color at $425.

We distribute hard copy prize lists to area trainers & riding professionals, we post a digital flipbook on our website and Facebook page, and send a digital version to our subscriber email list. Our prize list reaches over 1500 community members, both equestrian and non-equestrian alike.

For information on placing an AD click HERE

Be a Blue Ribbon Sponsor, Division Sponsor or a Ribbons Sponsor

All sponsors are recognized in our prize list and across our social channels.

  • Division Sponsor $125 / $130 via PayPal (includes listing in the prize list – please allow us to choose the division for you)
  • Ribbons Sponsor $50 / $55 via PayPal (sponsors the ribbons for a Hunter or Jumper division & includes listing in the prize list – please allow us to choose the division for you)
  • Banner Sponsor $40 /$45 via PayPal (hang your own banner day of show ringside)

Easily pay for your Division / Ribbon / Banner Sponsorship ONLINE via PayPal HERE . Indicate in the “notes” section how you want your sponsorship to read.

  • Blue Ribbon $450 / $470 via PayPal (includes a half-page ad, 1 banner display & 3 lunch passes)

Blue Ribbon sponsors, please contact Ad Chair Meridith Robinson HERE with a note of interest & your ad information.

For a complete listing of Sponsorship & a mail-in form click HERE

Deadline for receipt of payment and placing advertising artwork is February 15th, 2020.

Follow Kimberton Hunt Club on FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM

Kimberton Hunt Ball 2019

Our theme this year is “Titanic”!

Saturday, February 23rd

Chester Valley Golf Club
430 Swedesford Road
Malvern PA

$90 per person

Captain’s cocktail party 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Scarlet or Black Tie is always correct, or dress the part!
Captain * Crew * First Class * Third Class * Servant

Cocktails are followed by a fun night of Dinner, Dancing to the music of “Good Foot”, and a Live and Silent Auction to benefit the Kimberton Hounds!

Menu selection:
Filet Oscar – grilled filet with lump crab and Hollandaise sauce
Pan Seared Salmon with lemon & caper butter sauce

Invite your friends – book a table for 8 ppl!

RSVP by February 14th – find a response card HERE
Mail to : 1026 Jaine Lane, Chester Springs PA 19425

Have an item you’d like to donate to the Live or Silent Auction? Send a note of interest HERE

Subscribe to our email list via the pop-up on our website & get event info directly to your inbox!

Be a Vendor at the 2018 Horse Show

This year we are offering 2 options for Vendors:

  • Bring Your Own Tent/Trailer  – set up anywhere in designated areas on the grounds – $50
  • Single Booth inside our Vendor Tent 10 x 10 = $75

Single Booth includes the 10 x 10 tented space only (tables not included) Please note there will be no electricity or WiFi available.

Announcements throughout the day showcasing the vendors and their merchandise or services, and listing in the horse show prize list as a supporting vendor.

Please return this 2018 Vendor Contract and a check payable to the “Kimberton Hunt Club” by March 15, 2017 to reserve your space and get listed in the horse show prize list. Also, include a brief description for the show announcer to read throughout the day for added publicity.

Questions/Information contact Florence Delaney:
phone: 610-256-9241

every effort will be made to avoid vendors selling the same merchandise; with that in mind, vendors are asked to not sell food or drink items

Find more information on the 2018 Horse Show HERE

Kimberton Hunt Ball 2018

Hot Havana Nights

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Chester Valley Golf Club

Open Bar – 6:00 – 7:00 PM

Live Music by Goodfoot!

Silent & Live Auction items to benefit the Kimberton Hounds.

Bid on these Live Auction items:

  • One week stay on a beautiful Jamaican estate
  • Carriage Drive & Dinner for 6 people through historic Birchrunville
  • A Surprise Basket of Cheer!
  • Deep Sea Fishing Trip for 4 people

Still taking Silent Auction items!
Gift Certificates for equine-related services like horse clipping, braiding, riding lessons or guided trail rides; equine-related products; restaurant & entertainment packages; gift baskets; jewelry & accessories.

Attire: Jump into your 1950’s Chevy Bel Air and in your black tie or scarlet if you dare, with a splash of Island flare!  Don’t have black tie – no worries! A suit coat/tie & a cocktail dress are fine.

Dinner selection of either:

  • Beef Tenderloin with Shrimp & Black Bean Corn Salsa
  • Salmon topped with Mango Salsa    $90 per person

RSVP by February 15, 2018 – need a copy of the Response Card? Find one here: RSVP Card

Checks can be made payable to “Kimberton Hunt Club” and sent along with your dinner selection and seating preferences to:
c/o Mrs. Barb Mueller
1026 Jaine Lane
Chester Springs PA 19425

Find our Facebook Event HERE

Questions or Auction Donations? Contact Barb Mueller at 610-469-6282

Find & Follow Kimberton Hunt Club on Facebook & Instagram



Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities at the 2018 Horse Show

The Kimberton Hunt Club 73rd Annual Horse Show will be held Sunday, April 29th at the Ludwig’s Corner Horse Show Grounds.

We provide quality competition for USEF “C” Hunters & Level 1 Jumpers – many area exhibitors use our annual horse show as a warm up for the Devon Horse Show in late May.   The horse show  sees over 130 horses and ponies competing  that hail from Southeastern PA, Maryland & New Jersey.

We distribute hundreds of souvenir quality printed prize lists and promote the horse show online, via email and via social media.

Founded in 1870, Kimberton Hunt is one of the oldest hunt clubs in North America, and, as such, we are proud of our part in Chester County’s great equestrian heritage.

Your support of our annual horse show,  which is the hunt club’s biggest fundraiser during the year, directly benefits the hounds in the form of feeding, routine care, veterinary & kennel upkeep.

In turn, the hunt club works diligently to help preserve surrounding open space for the enjoyment of both equestrians and the local community.

Sponsorship at the Horse Show range from:

  • Division Level at $125 which includes your listing in the prize list
  • Fence Level at $450 which includes a half-page ad, 1 banner* display and 3 lunch passes
  • Blue Ribbon at $1,100 which includes a full-page ad in the prize list, 2 banner* displays, 6 lunch passes and VIP parking.

*banners are to be provided by the sponsor, not to exceed 3’x8′ and must have grommets for hanging along the fence rails at the Main Ring.

Be a Title Sponsor of the prize money in a Hunter or Jumper class or donate a product or service as a Class/Division Winner Award.  Send an email with your interest HERE

Advertising in the prize list runs from:

  • Business Card $40
  • Quarter Page $65
  • Half Page $125
  • Full Page $225
  • Full Page Color $425

Click  HERE for more information on Sponsorship & Advertising at the Horse Show

Questions on Sponsorship or Advertising – send an email HERE

The deadline for receipt of payment and advertising/sponsorship materials is Friday, February 16th, 2018.

Are you a local artisan, crafter or sell products that appeal to the local equestrian audience?  We offer Vendors a choice of “bring your own canopy” or select a space in our  Vendor Tent at the horse show!  Find a 2018 Vendor Contract here.

Contact Florence Delaney with Vendor questions by email or phone 610-256-9241

Place your Signature Jump in any of the 3 rings (In-Kind only) or donate an Award  to a Division Champion or High Point winner.

Find more information on our annual Horse Show HERE and on our Facebook Event page

Follow the Hunt Club on Instagram and Facebook

Hunt Night at the 2017 PA National Horse Show

Kimberton Hunt Club was well represented at the PA National Horse Show

Nineteen members boarded the bus headed to Harrisburg to cheer on our members and hounds in the show ring on Monday, October 16th, 2017.

Amy Magee, Ashley Spangler & Mary Musheno represented us well in Hunt Teams  and each showed individually in the Under Saddle  and Over Fences classes. The Ladies division brought out over 55 ladies to compete- Yikes! Ashley and Scout pulled through for an 8th in that huge over fences class!

KHC member Steve Sprowls brought his A game to the ring…he rode in the Gentleman’s under saddle class. Steve’s competition was non other than Olympian Boyd Martin. I believe I heard Boyd inquiring who his stiff competition was on the bay horse….Don’t worry Boyd, Steve went easy on ya. It’s bad karma to show up an Olympian. Steve’s night was complete when he ribboned against Boyd by pulling a 5th in the Gentleman’s class.

Video of Hound Parade:

Mary Musheno & Krugerand Over Fences

Amy Jo Magee & Little Lady Over Fences

Ashley Spangler & Scout’s Honor Over Fences

Ladie’s Under Saddle Class

If you’ve not liked  Kimberton Hunt Club on Facebook you should!

Follow us on Instagram too!

Thank you Amy, Ashley, Mary, Steve, John and Kathy for representing KHC in the ring and making us proud to call you members! Thank you to Debbie, Sally, Richard, Tom, Jesse, Ed & Barbara Ellmaker for helping get the hounds there and in and out of the ring safely!





Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities at the 2017 Horse Show

The Kimberton Hunt Club 72nd Annual Horse Show will be held Sunday, April 30th at the Ludwig’s Corner show grounds.

USEF “C” Hunters and Level 1 Jumpers

Hunters & Jumpers

Founded in 1870, Kimberton Hunt is one of the oldest hunt clubs in North America, and, as such, we are proud of our part in Chester County’s great equestrian heritage. We work diligently to help preserve open space for the enjoyment of both equestrians and the community.

Our annual horse show is the hunt clubs biggest fundraiser during the year, the proceeds  directly supporting the hounds in the form of feeding, routine care,  veterinary & kennel upkeep.

Sponsorships range from Division Level at $125 which includes your listing in the prize list to Fence Level at $450 which includes a half-page ad, 1 banner* display and 3 lunch passes, to Blue Ribbon at $1,100 which includes a full-page ad in the prize list, 2 banner* displays, 6 lunch passes and VIP parking.
*banners are to be provided by the sponsor, not to exceed 3’x8′ and must have grommets for hanging.

We send out over 750 souvenir quality prize lists and over 125 horses and ponies compete at the horse show.

Click HERE for more information on Sponsorship & Advertising at the Horse Show

Questions on Sponsorship or Advertising – send an email HERE

Interested in being a Vendor at the horse show?  Contact Florence Delaney by email or phone 610-256-9241

Find more information on our annual Horse Show HERE and on our Facebook Event page

Follow the Hunt Club on Instagram and Facebook



