Club Activities

Besides fox hunting the Kimberton Hunt Club has a full calendar of activities throughout the year including a year-end dinner dance, hunt breakfasts, and events organized by individual hunt members.

Monthly– Membership meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7 pm. Membership meetings are held monthly at the homes of our members to discuss hunt business and to enjoy the company of fellow fox hunters.

August 1- September 1st – Cub Hunting  Wednesdays and Saturdays

August – Annual Summer Picnic

September Annual  Friends of the Penn-MaryDel Hound Show

September 1st– March 31st – Hunting on Wednesdays and Saturdays

OctoberHunt Night at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show

November- Opening Meet (Formal),  Meet the Hunt at Historic Yellow Springs, Thanksgiving Meet and Blessing of the Hounds

December– Annual Christmas Party

February– Annual Kimberton Hunt Ball

April- Poole’s Training Preserve  Trip

April/May – Annual Kimberton Hunt Club Horse Show