We offer 2 unique ways to incorporate your Brand/Business signage for high visibility to a relevant audience.
Incorporate your brand/business signage
in the Winner’s Circle at our annual horse show.
With 4 busy competition rings, our Winner’s Circle area gets plenty of visibility throughout the day with riders & horses getting photo ops with their ribbons. Place your signage, banner or jump panel in this area.
This is a single opportunity – so act now!

Incorporate your brand/business signage
into the show ring island decoration.
We place these decorations near the In-Gate at our rings. This is a high visibility area, as exhibitors/trainers/spectators assemble at these gates all day. (3) opportunities available. Please indicate which ring: Hunter Horse, Pony Hunter, Jumper. (Derby Field not available)

Payment can be made via Check made payable to “Kimberton Hunt” and mailed to: Sponsor c/o KHC, 1030 Jaine Lane, Chester Springs PA 19425. Please indicate your information in the notes section.
Or with Venmo, with your information in the notes section.
Questions or need more Info?
Contact the Sponsorship Committee via EMAIL
All show proceeds directly benefit the Kimberton Hounds