Saturday, May 1st, 2021
4 pm – 6 pm
$25 per horse/pony
Got a young horse? Just want to get your pony off the property for a little tune up? You’re a little bit rusty?
Come out to the Ludwig’s Corner Show Grounds and school over the Hunter courses once we’ve set the show rings earlier that day for Sunday’s recognized horse show. (USEF competition #1690)
- Ring 2: Hunter Horses (2’6″, 2’9″, 3′)
- RIng 3: Ponies & Low Children’s / Low Adults (2′, 2’3″, 2’6″)
- The Rosato Oval (Jumpers) & the Derby Field will not be open.
Contactless Payment!
Your $25 rider fee can be paid two ways:
Venmo @Barb-Mueller-7
PayPal to Kimberton Hunt Club
(click logo below)
- Participants and their Attendant/Ground Person must each complete & return a signed Registration & Waiver. A Parent/Guardian must sign for their junior rider.
- Riders need not be entered in Sunday’s show to participate.
- Open to All.
- Neat Schooling Attire. ASTM-SEI approved helmet.
- We will limit the amount of horses in the rings at any one time throughout each fence height session. Fences will go up in height each session.
- COVID19 / social distancing Rules & Policy will be in effect.
Follow @KimbertonHuntClub on Facebook & Instagram